In 2017, the Los Angeles Dodgers made their first World Series appearance since 1988 and everyone in town lost their mind. No one was immune to this euphoria, including newly minted LACO principal horn player, Michael Thornton.

Michael Thornton
principal horn Michael Thornton

His spirited multi-track arrangement of Take Me Out To The Ballgame garnered thousands of views on social media, spawned the hashtag #ROCOvsLACO and kicked off a week long rivalry between Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra (LACO) and the River Oaks Chamber Orchestra (ROCO) from Houston, TX. As the Dodgers and the Houston Astros battled it out in an epic 7 game matchup, LACO and ROCO waged a brutal war of musical one-upmanship while the series played out.

A 2018 World Series Dodgers/Astros rematch may yet be in the cards. if there teams were to meet up this October, a #ROCOvsLACO rematch would surely follow. If any LACOistas out there have any grand video ideas that might carry the day for our local baseball team or chamber orchestra, please forward them to or reply via social to one of these fantastic posts.