Camerata Pacifica
Camerata Pacifica’s non-profit mission begins, “to affect positively how people experience live performances of classical music”, and over 3 decades a wonderful community of engaged and curious listeners has developed around our performances. Intimate venues, innovative programming and a roster of highly personable virtuosi, combine in dynamic, memorable concert presentations.
In the world of classical music, chamber music compositions are a composer’s most intensely personal expression. Written for small groups of musicians, chamber music demands an intimacy and honesty lost in the impersonal nature of large group performances. Presented in small venues which enhance the viscerally expressive qualities of the music, an exploration of that intimacy is a critical component of our performances.
Camerata Pacifica artists are representative of the world’s finest, bringing to our stage their highly individual personalities for dynamic performances of music that spans the huge, eclectic range of the chamber music repertoire. Subscription series are presented in 4 Southern Californian cities: Santa Barbara, Ventura, San Marino and downtown Los Angeles.