Bradley Parrimore
LA orchestra fellow: viola
Bradley Parrimore, who graduated from Manhattan School of Music, has already received international acclaim as a chamber musician and soloist.
The Houston native won top prizes in such competitions as Houston Symphony League Concerto Competition and National YoungArts Foundation, and has been featured on WQXR and HBO broadcasts. He performed on the 2015 recording Bloch, Glinka, Bowen: Viola Works, released by Soundset Recordings and collaborated with esteemed musicians from the Tokyo, Medici, and St. Lawrence string quartets as well as Jon Kimura-Parker and Joshua Bell. He has studied with Ivo-Jan van der Werff, Paul Coletti and Patinka Kopec and performed in masterclasses for Cyrus Forough, Kim Kashkashian, and the Fauré and Jerusalem quartets among others. Parrimore attended Heifetz International Music Institute, Le Domaine Forget Académie Internationale de Musique et Danse, National Arts Centre’s Young Artists Program and was invited to the Bowdoin International Music Festival as the youngest of nine Kaplan Fellows.